Tuesday 15 April 2014

The Jesus conundrum

My dear Void,

Here’s one I’ve been permitted to hang in the house; this is a rare privilege (the reason for which will become apparent in subsequent pages if the first one didn’t spell it out loud and clear):

I’ve already mentioned that I was a petty purist (which is patently delusional for a boy who can’t paint!) and it’s evident again here.  You see that shaky-arsed, white horizon?  That was because a real artist doesn’t use masking tape to make a crisp line OH NO A REAL ARTIST DOES IT FREEHAND.  Have you heard the story of Da Vinci’s perfect circle? That.

I should interrupt myself for a sec here.  I rarely, if ever, name paintings.  I usually deem it finished when I’m sick of looking at it rather than when it’s good (which is a futile pursuit anyway, if you catch my meaning) so I don’t get around to naming them.
Canvases around this size typically cost fifty or sixty bucks.  The cost of paint is negligible.  The frame my wife insisted on fitting was four hundred and something and, I think, does little to improve the look.  The lesson learned was that nothing I paint is ever worth framing.
Where was I? Oh.  This painting began its life as a sketch I did when I was about fourteen when thought that ‘weird’ was the same as ‘surreal’.  Maybe it is, I’m no artist:
There might have been a crucifixion influence but I mainly like the warped archway shape.  You’ll likely see more of it in these pages along with many crucifixes (another thing which fascinates me).
I bought a tiny canvas and easel at My Local for reasons which are entirely twee.  So I replicated the painting again on this tiny scale and it sits on my desk at work:

Much to my disappointment, the number of times people ask about it is zero.  But of course every man and his Llama wants to tell me their rotary phone story (the one you see just to the left of my little picture is the one from my childhood home, painted gold.  Before you start in, yes I stole the idea from Andy Warhol).
I’ve been rather self-deprecating today, huh?  Now watch me bash myself up for that too, because
Soc is a fraud

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