Saturday 12 April 2014

It was just an idea. I haven't thought it through

Dear Void,

I don't have anything to offer but empathy. 

Alright, maybe I can come up with something.  My name is Soc but I paint painted under the name downinahole.  I can’t paint anymore on account of I got sick.  I never trained and, hence, have never been any good so no-one’s crying into their beer.

downinahole, in his early teens, was a paradox of wide-eyed ambition and teenaged angst.  This resulted in the following paintings which represent a nascent delusion that would turn out to last twenty years (and is presumably ongoing).
I pulled these abortions out of the garage.  From the concrete floor, in fact, such is the distain  I have for them.  There were others that didn’t make the cut, if you can believe that.

The Park is very comic bookish, but I never read any comic books because I couldn’t read back then. 

I think it’s a teenage boy being defiant about his inability to talk to girls.  It’s been too long and I don’t remember.  I’m certain that I didn’t have a desire to be married.  I only got married later because Frankenspouse put me in a choke hold and told me it was happening.  I bet she fucking regrets that now.
Next up is the Bottle:

I don’t know what this means and I suspect I didn’t know then.  It’s just fucking awful.  WHY DOES THE BOTTLE HAVE ARMS FOR FUCK’S SAKE
I do recognise the conical jam jar though.  But you’ll find me reticent on that topic ‘til some particular people have left the Earth.  And if I go first, so be it.

The book.  This is the only one to which I can attach some logic. 

I kept a diary as a teen (I’m lying to you; I still have it) and it looked just like that.  Then there was me being the try-hard pretentious poet or some shit.  OH FUCK THE PAGES I CARLESSLY FLUNG INTO THE HARBOUR ARE FLOATING AWAY WITH THE TIDE WHAT EVER WILL I DO

And then there’s the cross.  Oh boy, that’s keeps coming back to me. I like crosses.  Fuck you
I don’t know if I have anything else.  That might be it.

Was this a mistake?
Soc is a fraud


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