Thursday 17 April 2014

Crosses, arches and candles, but not boners

Dear Void
Soc here
I thought I’d reach back in time for some perspective.  What did a downinahole abortion look like back in the mid nineties?
When I was young and strong and fearless.  When I thought I could be grotty and controversial.  When I said ‘Fuck the man’ and before I had a kid in the police.  
Well it was shit then too.  Take this exhibit from I-don’t-remember-when but I was late teens or early twenties.  Kurt was dead, I’m pretty sure.  Cobain, not Vonnegut.

You see those bullshit white-gloved hands (fuck you, hands are hard to do – for all their ubiquity IRL, when you study them, they just don’t look like they belong in nature) on the left?  That’s meant to be the skeletal forks of the Grim Reaper himself.  And the quasi-Edwardian chap there in the almost-right (fuck you again, I still don’t understand balance).  Well I was heavily influenced by Terry Pratchett, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern at the time. 
It won’t be apparent in this pic (are you going to start shitting on my photography now?  Fuck you) but there’s a shiny little cross on that necklace.  More Christianity for you there.  Like it or lump it, there’s more to come.
I had quite the boner for candles in those days too.  I couldn’t paint a candle to save my life but you might find there’s a theme there.  Crosses, arches and candles, but not boners. Well, come to think on it … 
A final note: You know the famous Mona Lisa smirk? It was carefully thought out and brilliantly executed and to great effect.  The mirthless grin on my Mister Smirky McEdwardton on the other hand, was an accident and that why it’s uncomfortable to look at.
But that’s how you know
Soc is a fraud

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