Friday 25 April 2014

Back to school: the misfits

Dear void,

I have one genuine teenage effort from back in the dizzle and one which doesn’t really fit anywhere so I’m plonking it on this page.
Before I knew what dope sickness was, I’d experienced an agony known only to the hormonally challenged youth and the irreparably foolish.  This is what it felt like:

Or so I thought …
Look, I said genuine teenage effort …
Similarly, this one doesn’t really belong here either, but it needed a home.  When my elder kid was about ten he was into the sword and crystal type books, so dashed out this little cartoon and stuck it in his bedroom door. 
It stayed there for eight years.
Inevitably, the day came when girls were more important than books and I had to rescue it from the recycle bin.  The ass looks a lot like Scott Mosier (canine, not human) to me.
Soc is a fraud

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