Monday 21 April 2014

Back to School: Second is a series

Dear void
Since we’ve started this fucking thing, I guess we should finish it. 
Girls didn’t feature much in my youth.  Well, not the nice kind, at any rate …
So this bijou page is about little girls.  Oh, not like that, you sick fuck, I was a kid!
I plagiarised this landscape from the cover of a tin pencil box I inherited.  I find that a touch poetic, and not in any way a copyright infringement.
 Here it is: 

This was the first colour girl in my oeuvre.  That wasn’t a typo (I can’t decide whether I should use these parentheses to highlight that racially insensitive comment or point out that I used the word ‘oeuvre’ in reference to the sewage I’ve been pumping out for twenty-five years.  I suppose they did both.  Shall we move on?)
 Given the macabre nature of most of the shit I’ve done, you might surmise that the girl in the violet  dress (Yes!  Coloured.  Now STFU) has been pitched off (or, Heaven forbid, pitched herself off) some upper peak. 
Not the case, you morbid fuck.  I think she’s just looking at the view upside-down.  And what a vista it is!
Euche!  I was a kid stealing images from pencil boxes and putting fantasy girls in them.  What the fuck do you want from me?!
Oh boy, this one’s a bit closer to the spleen:

Even with my wife of twenty years, I find myself reticent on this topic.  What’s the expression about less said, sooner mended?  That.
If it wasn’t plainly apparent from the above,
Soc is a fraud

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