Tuesday 29 April 2014

One long night of Christ

My dear Void

I don’t know how this came about other than my passive fascination with the Crucifix. I find it’s such a powerful symbol in my community (at some time I’ll have to investigate exactly what My Community is). I guess it’s only as relevant to me as the Eiffel Tower, or the Swastika, or the Opera House; but it speaks to me of humanity in context of death and strength and passion.  And a fuckload of waste.
This is a four piece set (I’m not trying to sell these to you, by the way.  They’re mine).  I kicked off the first one at about eight in the evening and I thought it quite nice.  Cool blue et cetera:
Then it was about midnight and I thought I had a themegoing.  This one is tinged with that blocky pointless shit them beatnicks were doing in the early fifties (Oh you’re getting judgy now, Soc?  I’ve seen you’re shit and you can fuckj off — yours, the Void):
Suddenly it was three in the morning.  My focus is waning.  You will have noticed that the attention to detail has declined; Soc is very tired and emotional now and there's more of that to come.  Two canvases are drying and teh lines are starting to blur. FIRE AND BRIMESTONE TIME FUCKERS
Maybe not yet, it was jus peach time to   skeep the colour scheme carrying oon:

Oh wait wait wait I forgota bit: see that accenty thing ehat keeps recurring at the bottom he cross? Because I fel over and dashed a bit of paint on the yellow one an had t go back and make all the others same so that’s whay that’s tere.  Not artsistic choice just because i’m a clumsy fuck.
And then dawn broke! The sky began to lighten and I thought I might just possibly be human once more!

Well that lasted only a few moments because the fear and cold of the pending day came crashing down like a builder’s skip.  And I don’t think I was quite straight yet. RGHT YO FuCKS I shouted at the unprepared magpies WE’RE GOING TO MAKE A FINAL CROSS AN ITL HAVE A A STABBY THING IN IT LIKE WHAT JESUS GOT. 
Then I quit shouting and got to work:

Sunrise is a time for reflexion on failure, not fire and brimstone.  Or maybe it's the other way around, what do I know?
I didn’t really rip the canvas intentionally, it was another falling over accident, but I retconned it to look like I knew what I was doing.  I see that I have failed to fool you again, Void.

And here I remind you that

Soc is a fraud



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