Thursday 24 April 2014

Is it misogyny? Or is it just horrific?

Dear Void
Soc here
Frankenspouse hates this one (I said that like she doesn’t hate them all to varying degrees.  Let’s just lock this issue up: She doesn’t actually  like any of them). Is it because it implies women are two-faced, harpy banshees?  Or is it more that, like the Billy one, it’s just plain unnerving (neither charge can I really answer to, by the bye, I don’t know if it is either):
I don’t remember painting it.  I don’t remember what it was supposed to be about (as if to imply that any of them were about anything – They’re not).  I guess it was just something effed up to look at.  Suffice to say, it was never going to make to a wall in Frankenspouse Manor. 
A quick tangent if you’ll allow it JUST TRY TO STOP ME GO ON
I slyly circumvented Frankenspouse’s rules about hanging pitchers in the house by painting directly onto the internal doors.  I real pain in the arse because you have to sand off all the lacquer first and put down forty thousand layers of undercoat.  I’m a sloth at heart and this sort of prep I would generally consider prohibitive.  I’ll do a page on the doors later.
As you can see, like many of its fellows, the this one has a bit of water damage.  I’ve never looked after my toys.  You should see how I treat books.
Soc is a fraud

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