Monday 21 April 2014

Back to School: The first in a series

Dear void

Soc here
You know how you used to doodle on the back of text books at school?  Or personalise your school bag with the Metallica’s all-too phallic symbol?  Well if you were a heterosexual boy you did anyway.  I, on the other hand, did sketches of people.  No-one in particular, just faces.  This page, and the next two or so, will be dedicated to those years.
I am so thankful to Frankenspouse for squirreling these away because, when I hit the real world and had to get a job, I was ready to chuck them all in the bin.
This first category of Back to School sketches is Accidental Celebrity Likenesses.  They’re just random drawings which, upon reflexion, appear to look like real people.  There are hundreds of pages and these are just a selected few.  Ah fuck! There was a Heath Ledger one I forgot to upload.  Dammit! You’ll just have to take my word for it. 
To kick off, d’you think this looks like James Van Der Beek?

I had to google this guy to get his name right OH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE HE’S THE SAME AGE AS ME but I’m pretty sure the world didn’t know his name when I scrawled that shit.  And who remembers ‘Dawson’s Crack’ now, hmm?
I think this one looks kind of like Shannen Doherty:
 (google, google).  Well, she’s held up better than me, I can tell you that.
After ‘Less Than Zero’ but definitely  before ‘Iron Man’ I banged out this one:
Do you reckon it’s got a bit of RDJ in it?  Maybe Judd Nelson.  Or perhaps it’s just the eyeliner.
It could simply be because he started shaving his head (much like old Soc over here) but this one looks a lot like Billy Corgan to me:
 I’m sure this is before I’d ever heard of the Smashing Pumpkins.  But AMIRITE:
These were just the bullshit scribblings of a boy with an uncertain future.  If you'd like to see scribblings by a middle-aged man with an uncertain future, feel free to roll through these pages.  But I'll warn you of two things right here: they aren't any better and; the next tranche of Back to School will be just as appalling as this and will likely feature penises, so steel yourself, Void, this shit’s about to get grubby.
I warned you
Soc is a fraud

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