Friday 25 April 2014

So speaketh the Void

Dear Soc,

This is the Void.
Can we just have a conversation for a sec here please?

While we appreciate your desperate desire to have your kindergarten-grade pictorial thoughts available to the world at large, we at the Void Caucus are starting to shift uncomfortably in our seats.
Look, it’s fine, but some of us around the office are talking about your sexually explicit and racially insensitive comments, and it’s not going to look good to the upper management.

I know you’ve been a solid company man for – what is it now, ten years? – but would you mind cranking it back a couple of notches, old son?  You’re making people uncomfortable.
Thanks for your time, Soc, and I hope this clears up a few things for you.

Warm regards

The Void

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