Friday 2 May 2014

Shiny paint and how to misuse it

Look Void, I’m not trying to puss out on posting part two of the doors paintings but I had some more of the technical issues that resulted in the last post. So rather than get all vulgar about it (perish the thought!), I thought I’d take a moment to figure out a better way to do it.

To sate your unquestionably ferocious appetite in the interim, I thought I’d leap back a few years to an abortion which was birthed* by pure experimentation. I really don’t remember exactly when this was but I’m going back a good chunk of years.

The rapey copper man: 

This pitcher was painted with one of those highly reflective, metallic paints.  It looks great when the light is right (which it clearly wasn’t for that shot) so I tried to make it look like a copper bas-relief.  This is why I’ve tinged the tears in the canvas with a dirty green (as though it was oxidising, you see).

I think I got that wrong.  It’s copper ore that’s green, but I didn’t know that then and I’m not even sure now BUT THIS IS NOT A FUCKING CHEMISTRY LESSON SO LET’S ALL JUST CALM DOWN FOR A MINUTE

(The canvas tears weren’t an artistic choice either, by the way, I fell over again)

I’m not sure which of the two principals is more creepy: the sweaty old man who is boxing the little girl in the corner, or the threatened, Victorian virago** who’s been backed into that corner.  I know which one frightens me more; I’ll punch a fat man in the face any time you like.

Holy shit! This never occurred to me before!  Maybe she’s not there at all, and only appears in his shadow.  A wife from many years ago?  A daughter?  But why only in his shadow, Void, why?!

You see that’s just another nail in my ‘artist’ coffin.  I don’t pretend there’s a meaning to this shit.  I just like things that look cool.

If only I could paint …

Soc is a fraud


*You see what I did there?  Because of irony and—.  Never mind

**I’ll fess to you right now, Void, you need no more proof of a brutally patriarchal society than the literal definition of that word.  But with my critically limited vocabulary, that’s the best I could do.  I hope you can forgive me.

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