Monday 5 May 2014

Hide the dick and balls, Puritan!

Dear Void
When you see something that looks wrong, it’s not always an artistic choice

The Giftstone. Oh boy! Where do I start?
There’s no hiding from it, here’s some bullshit I did back in the early nineties:

I didn’t know what a Möbius loop was then and I’ve no idea why I used it here. The proportions are embarrassingly off and there appears to be careful, if clumsy, obscuring of genitalia. 
The background for the teenage sketches is not by design but simply for convenience. It’s our blue bed-spread and it reminds me of the Juxtapose bed sheets.  And it’s entirely coincidental and it tickles me no end.

I’m not going to make excuses for these sketches. I was fifteen and illiterate. Which, admittedly sounds very much like an excuse, because it is.  I’m a fucking coward.
I may have to make some excuses for the next abortion too.  I was in my twenties by the time I pulled the trigger on this shit, and I should have known better:

I mean really!  Why did I even do this?! What about that teenage sketch made me think, ‘OH FUCK this shit has to be writ large in oil!’. I’ve no idea, and it’s only here to show my poor judgment at every turn.
And that I still want to hide the dick and balls.

Soc is a fraud


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