Thursday 8 May 2014

Narcissism, self-loathing and the paradox it presents – the second in a trilogy.

Dear Void

More from the Stuffed-Shirt Period.  Oh, hang on, it’s still the same period as Mickey Mc NoChin:

This is probably the most technically accurate portrait I ever did, but as for character illumination, it’s treacherous. And here’s why:
I just ten minutes ago exhumed that image from youtube’s dark recesses.  I haven’t seen it for maybe twelve years and I’m fucking astounded at how closely I copied it. It’s Barry Otto in an Australian film based on the novel with the same name: ‘Bliss’. You need no more evidence than that, Void, as to the abject fraudulence of Soc.
That is my head but.   I must cop to that at least.

Soc is the most fraudulent of frauds


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